ISO 29990:2010 is an International Standard for supplier of training and further training. It presents a certifiable and state of the art Standard according to ISO needs for Management Systems. The Standard addresses – for the first time with global validity – all types of educational institutions.

ISO 29990:2010 identify basic needs for providers of learning services in non-formal education and training will also improve transparency and permit comparison on a global basis of learning services, offering a single alternative backed by international consensus to the huge variety of national service and management standards which now exists in the field of non-formal learning.

It sets a worldwide benchmark for training and learning services so that there is no require for a detailed understanding of the sometimes complex national preparations for assuring the quality of contributors of learning and training services, which in some countries are non-existent or hard to fathom.

In cases where the learning service supplier is part of an organization that delivers products (goods and services) in addition to learning services, BS ISO29990 only applies to the unit given that the learning services.

Benefits of ISO 29990:2010